16 Dec 2014
Lavadeiras de Maré – Mestre José Antonio de Almeida
On last Wednesday’s music practice with Mojubá group, Mestre José Antonio taught us this beautiful song he wrote. It was recorded and I have the honour to be in there, playing the berimbau and singing too with the rest of the group. Lucky me!!! Mestre José Antonio is doing the lead singing and we sang the chorus below. Mestre Poncianinho can also be heard singing and playing the reco-reco.
Lava minha alma, lavadeira de Maré
Livra-me do mal, bom Jesus de Nazaré
Lava minha alma, lavadeira de Itapuã/da Bahia/do São Francisco
Lava lavadeira, com seu canto de manhã
Lava lavadeira, nas águas do … (can’t quite pick up the others)