Twelve Covid-19 Capoeira Sequences

Twelve Covid-19 Capoeira Sequences

22 August 2020
I’ve been filming myself doing some of the sequences from Mestre Poncianinho’s online class during lockdown so that I can study and practice them regularly, and have a few sequences in my body that I can easily access at the right time during the roda. I picked twelve to work on regularly, the idea is that once I know them well I can blend them too and add my own things in response to what’s going on in the game.

Great track to practice to:

ALL sequences below are by Mestre Poncianinho

1) 18th of May 2020 Sequence
Queda de quatro
Esquiva to the front
Meia lua de frente
low rasteira
1/2 armada
Queda de rins
* volta por cima?
trigger words: Esquiva quatro (words for me to think of to bring out sequence)

2) 19th of May 2020 Sequence
Meia lua de frente or Armada de costas
Martelo with same leg
Rabo de arraia enrolado (or meia lua enrolada) + negativa + rolê
Go around to resistencia + rasteira
Macaquinho (or aú de cabeça)
trigger words: Meia lua martelo macaquinho

3) 23rd of May 2020 Sequence
Meia lua de frente
Martelo with same leg
Chapa with other leg
Bananeira land and rotate to
Fall turning into queda de rins
Negativa + rolê
trigger words: Meia lua martelo chapa

4) 25th of May 2020 Sequence
Finta au
1/2 queixada into bananeira with side, twist kick
Round into low negativa + rasteira
Rabo de arraia enrolado + rolê
low jump or walk into queda de rins with low kick while in queda de rins
(extra: Bananeira with side kick
double armada, chamada, macaco, tesoura, rolê)
trigger words: finta au

5) 28th of May 2020 Sequence
Rabo de arraia, land with leg at the back into
Ponte or volta por cima
Jump turning backwards into position for
Armada de costas
trigger words: rasteira

6) 1st of June 2020 Sequence
Spin into meia lua de frente
Finta martelo into bananeira
“Hold basket” into queda de rins + tesoura
Rabo de arraia into bananeira
Fall into low rabo de arraia
Ponte without arms
Jump back with legs together
trigger words: spin to meia lua

7) 13th of June 2020 Sequence
trigger words: cabeçada cross leg costura

8) 18th of June 2020 Sequence
Negaça into
Ginga esquiva (upright) + Meia lua de frente + Armada de costas (or rabo de arraia)
Mola + rolê
Go around to hand, upright
Lower down and move inner hand into position for low rasteira
Costura into aú
trigger words: any kick mola costura

09) 11th of July 2020 Sequence
Saudação into armada de costas
Spin backwards into meia-lua position but do chapa de frente
Lift knee up, turn to back, take another step into bananeira with kick

10) 25th July 2020 Sequence
Negaça, step back into meia lua de frente with right leg
Land with right leg on front, bend, turn left foot to point to the back
go into half bananeira (left foot stays on the ground)
Fall into queda de quatro, cross left leg
turn into slow bananeira with open legs
land with one leg, step back with other leg, switch into ponte

11) 22nd of August 2020 Sequence
low martelo, a little jump back then rasteira
negaça arms open, mandinga, armada de costas
bananeira, rabo de arraia, costura, rolê into
bananeira legs low and open

12) 04 Feb 2021 Sequence
Negaça, side ginga, armada de costas into
esquiva, rasteira, bananeira take one side hand “step”
fall into negativa, rolê, meia lua

And, for a little something extra: 17 minutes of handstand and aú practice.

I also started doing this & this regularly.

04 Feb 2021
I made a new video of the sequences above plus a new one from today’s class, the idea is to do both sides for each one, 12 sequences altogether, which takes around 10 minutes.

It’s interesting to see that I’m moving a little differently compared to 2020. I’m going to be 50 this year and I figured I don’t know how much longer I can do Capoeira for, I’m already noticing I can’t jump as high as I used to, so this will also be a record of what I could once do, for when I’m older!

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