Mojubá class – 09 September 2015

Mojubá class – 09 September 2015 Tonight’s class had SO MUCH CONTENT and it was very challenging. Mestre Joel got mentioned, and I don’t have any of his music (apart from songs in Mestre Acordeon’s album, and I wondered who they were from). On Mestre Acordeon’s album: Can’t find his album on for sale on … Read more

Mojubá class – 06 September 2015

Mojubá class – 06 September 2015 In capoeira class the move of the day was, in pairs: player 1 – negativa, role, stand up (keeping upper body low) into low ponte -> tesoura player 2 – same until low ponte, then volta por cima, go under tesoura Music class was special!!! Ololade brought a roll … Read more

Mojubá class – 29 July 2015

Mojubá class – 29 July 2015 I filmed this sequence to practice at home, and ended up practising it at the tennis court… Hadn’t played tennis for a looong time and at first I couldn’t even hit the ball. Not that I was ever any good. I didn’t play tennis until I was in my … Read more

Mojubá Music Class – 14th of June 2015

Mojubá Music Class – 14th of June 2015 We were going to have a picnic today, but because it had been raining earlier it got cancelled.  Capoeira and wet grass don’t mix! The purpose of the picnic was to raise money for the victims of the earthquake in Nepal. Nevertheless, Eva designed a set of Capoeira postcards to … Read more