Mojubá class + Brixton Roda – 12 July 2015

Mojubá class + Brixton Roda – 12 July 2015

Another first for me, macaquinho. I need to work on the technique but I have the basic principles down.

This is how it’s done properly

Followed by music class, and then 2 hour rehearsal for the October show! I had put myself forward for dancing and music, but then when Mestre asked who was going to be dancing I suddenly realised I just want to do the music, not bothered about dancing at all, there was no urge to say ‘me’ when he asked. I was practising with one of the heaviest berimbaus in the group – that was a good challenge for me!!! I’m really going to enjoy the practice sessions for the show, it’s just so much fun playing music and singing: there ain’t many other places I would rather be to be honest.

After rehearsal I went to a friend’s birthday bbq in Brixton for a couple of hours and then to Windrush Square. I saw on Facebook that there was an Public Roda in Brixton for M.Carlao and Pedro Lima who are going back to Brazil. I never met either of them, so it was nice to have this chance.

When we arrived this was the full game we saw:

One of my friends from the other group I trained with, Mela, was also there. I tried to get us to have a game together, but Mestre put me and this man together and we had a fun, scrappy game – my husband filmed it and I got much to learn from it!

There was a local with a toy snake wrapped around his neck who kept walking into the roda. He was completely off his trolley, but this is a par of the course when you have rodas in the street. Handled beautifully here:

And then this rather special game:

Also, we practiced this quadra by Mestre Bimba on Weds music class:

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