Focus T25 – Shaun T

26 July 2014 Focus T25 – Shaun T I was watching tv one morning, flicking through channels when I saw an advert for this, and I thought, well, I have these 3-4kg I never seem to be able to get rid of, no matter what. Also, I wanted to see if I can increase my … Read more

Osteopath Visit

24 March 2014 Osteopath Visit The NHS physio has not fixed me yet and I’m booked to have an injection on my arm on the 9th, as David (the physio) has spent no time on my back or hip – we decided to concentrate on the right arm. As my back has been giving me … Read more

Gluteus Maximus/Medium trigger points

03 March 2014 Gluteus Maximus/Medium trigger points I’m looking further into this and putting all the info here. From the ‘Trigger Point Therapy Book’: Trigger points in your gluteus maximus can disrupt the comfortable patterns of every day life, if not make it completely miserable. A vivid example of this was Kenny, age forty-two, a … Read more

Physio – arm and buttock pain

02 March 2014 Physio – arm and buttock pain My life seems to be a catalogue of injuries… Yesterday I stubbed my right toe on someone’s leg during capoeira roda. One more reason to wear shoes – but I can’t do the movements with the same precision with shoes on! So I spent the rest … Read more


05 January 2014 ITBS? I think this could be what’s up with my knee: It’s been progressively getting better, and today I massaged it with an massage roller, after my run, and it was a lot less achy afterwards…  The massage really helps. My right arm on the other hand is not better, if … Read more