Mojubá Music Lesson – 11 March 2015
São Bento Pequeno Variations
tsh#tsh# dim dom x2
tsh#tsh#dim tsh#tsh#dom tsh#dimdomdom
tsh#tsh#dimdimdimdim dimdomdom
Then some amazing Iuna variations I haven’t quite got yet! Too advanced for me right now!
Also we are learning these two songs and history behind them (Photos are from Mestre Poncianinho’s A3 notebook)
Jurema is a medicinal plant, a sacred tree used by the Brazilian natives. She’s also an idolised figure from Umbanda (Syncretic religion), Cabocla Jurema, queen of the jungle, Caboclo Tupinambá’s eldest daughter.
Mestre Virgilio : Velho Angoleiro on SoundCloud. He tells his biography and thoughts on the last song. “Don’t play Capoeira against another. Play *with* another” Virgilio was a regular at Waldemar and Pastinha’s rodas. He was born in 1934.
And a game played to “Arrodeia o mar três vezes”