Tem areia

(this version doesn’t mention Iemanjá, it’s a shorter version but I can’t find the fuller version anymore, it’s been deleted.

This song originates from Ubanda, this version(possibly the one Capoeira version came from?) and this one – in homage to Iemanja, goddess of the sea. There are different versions of it in Capoeira too, and some of the verses are common verses used in various other Capoeira songs.

Tem areia, Tem areia
there is sand
No fundo do mar, tem areia
at the bottom of the sea there is sand

No fundo do mar tem uma pedra
at the bottom of the sea there’s a stone
Em baixo da pedra tem areia
under the stone there is sand
Onde mora Janaina
where lives Janaina (Janaina is another name for Iemanja)
Iemanja linda sereia
Iemanja beautiful mermaid

Tem areia, Tem areia
there is sand
No fundo do mar, tem areia
at the bottom of the sea there is sand

No fundo do mar tem pedra
at the bottom of the sea there’s a stone
Debaixo da pedra tem areia
under the stone there’s sand
Debaixo da areia tem conchinha
under the sand there are small sea shells
Debaixo da conchinha mãe sereia
under the smalls seashells mother mermaid

and then mix it up with this one from Sereia Mandou dizer
tem tem tem areia
tem tem tem areia no mar

Sereia mandou dizer
Sereia mandou falar
No mar tem muita areia
Tem muita areia no mar