Mojubá lessons – 16 to 22 February 2015

Mojubá lessons – 16 to 22 February 2015

This week was all about s-dobrado
Monday: was taught to look at hand when doing it, and also various techniques for teaching nervous system to learn it.

This is what it will look like after I have practiced it for hours and hours! Can a 43 year old woman learn to do this move? Time will tell. My knees aren’t too keen on it, the landing seems to upset them, because I’m landing too hard.

Music Wednesday:
This variation: tsh#tsh# domdomdom dimdomdomdimdomdom
Berimbau orchestra toques
1) gunga – Angola, medio – sāo bento pequeno, viola – sāo bento grande/repiques
2) gunga – Angolinha(?), medio – can’t remember, viola – can’t remember
3) gunga – Santa Maria – should have written the others down!

Ladainha – Bahia Nossa Bahia
Ladainha – Torpedeiro Encouraçado

Talked about this one too, one of my favourites Mundo Atrapalhado (Mestre Paulo dos Anjos) – Mestre Poncianinho knew many different versions of this one and even wrote his own, when he was a teenager.

After a story told by Mestre, I checked out Mestre Liminha d’Ogum – will get his album for my collection. He’s from the interior of SP, Taguaritinga. He’s no longer with us, born August 8th, 1964.

Linda recommended Mestre Gato Preto’s album, which I have been listening to.

tsh#tsh# dimdomdim x2
tsh#tsh# dimdom domdomdomdomdomdim

Mestre Poncianinho’s song:
Se toquei nessa casa santa
se louvei quem tem que louvar
se bati tambor de angola
agora vou vadiar

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