Mojubá event and party – 17 to 19 July 2015

Mojubá event and party – 17 to 19 July 2015 @ Dance Attic, London

On Thursday I picked CM Ana Dourada from Heathrow Terminal 5, she arrived from Austria. We had a nice ride back to Dance Attic where I dropped her off. In the car she sang this song, which, on Saturday, she taught us during her workshop:
Sua coroa de ouro é o mariô
Sua coroa de ouro é o mariô
Mariô mariô
Sua coroa de ouro é o mariô
Sua coroa de ouro é o mariô
Em toda vez que me louvado
Eu nao deixo de louvar
Eu vou louvando pai ogum
Pra puder me ajuda
Mariô mariô
Sua coroa de ouro é o mariô
Sua coroa de ouro é o mariô

Friday was roda night, so Mestre Poncianinho taught the class, and
Gerardo De Armas Sarria, Cuban drummer, played the drums – in his own inimitable style. He also taught us a couple of songs. Then there were rodas. I filmed a couple of games:

Then about 30 of us gathered in the Dance Attic cafe, ate and drank!

The workshops started at 11:00 on Saturday, and we got split into two groups. I went in the smaller room, first with CM Ana Dourada, where I did the translating from Portuguese to English to the group.

Then it was Mestre Pepeto’s class. We had live music, so the physical training was mixed with singing. Very nice! I was his ‘assistant’ for showing some of the moves. Yay! I filmed these during class:

Mestre Boneco, ?? e Mestre Calango were in the bateria.

Then a break, and Mestre Calango, who had an injured knee and couldn’t train, taught us this beautiful song:

Then, rodas, until around five. Then a few of us showered, got changed, ate, went to the park, then a coffee shop. Then PARTY!!!! I danced most of the night and drank quite a few cans of Guinness. We got home at 3am.

The next day I didn’t get up until 10:30 (workshops started at 11). I slowly recovered from my hangover and got in at 1pm, which meant I missed Mestre Joazinho’s and Mestre Pepeto’s workshops… I got there just before the break. We played music together for about 20 minutes after the break. Then all the mestres (Calango, Ana Dourada, Pepeto, ??, Boneco e Joaozinho) spoke about what was currently in their list of interest/work. Musicality was a common theme. And movement refinement and history/ancestry.

After that Mestre Boneco’s workshop we played in pairs for about 10 minutes. To close the event: ‘roda de mestres’. I’m glad I went!!! When I got there my voice was really hoarse, but after all the singing it was back to normal.

Some videos I took:

A video I made while playing around with Adobe Premiere:

All Photos/videos on flickr:

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