Adobe Premiere Pro Effects

29 July 2015

Adobe Premiere Pro Effects

I made this video using some of Adobe Premiere Pro’s effects and I decided I should write this stuff down because it’s easily forgotten, especially as I only use it very occasionally!

Mestre Poncianinho liked it and published it on his channel, very chuffed!

Lyrics to this beautiful song:
Mar calmo não faz marinheiro forte – Calm sea doesn’t make a strong sailor
Mar calmo não leva a jangada pro mar – Calm sea doesn’t take the jangada (fishing boat) to sea
A vela precisa de vento forte, marinheiro. – The sail needs strong wind, sailor
Jangada vai onde vento leva. – Jangada goes where the wind takes it
More here

List of Effects functions/tutorials I have used in all videos:
* Presets -> Blurs -> In and out – good for starting/ending clips
* Video Effects -> 4-colour gradient – used it A LOT in video above(
* Video Effects -> Lens Flare – Also used in the video above
* Video Effects -> Lightning – Also used twice in the video above to show ‘that feeling’ of connection and energy you get in the roda!
* Video Transitions -> Cross Dissolve – I used that one mainly to transition between clips, along with Additive & Film Dissolve.
* Video Transitions -> Dip to Black – I use that at the end of a video. Along with Audio Transitions -> Exponential Fade.
* Video Effects -> Stylize -> Texturize

On this Urban Ritual video I used panning (see below) and Texturize

On this video I used panning/zooming/transitions:

How to use panning/zoom in Adobe Premiere Pro

This one is my latest, testing Go Pro Camera, on foot and on my bike, around Tooting Bec Common. Notice the bad quality (pixelation on the grass) of the video even though it was filmed at 2.7k?

Here it is again. The issue here is with the export settings on Adobe… Change it to Quicktime -> DVCPRO HD (i.e. width=1440/height=1080 25fps – no point in going higher, as files get HUGE!)

Still not as HD as I’d expect… Need to investigate further.

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