Left Hip and Cortisone Injection

17 February 2016 (scroll down for updates) Left Hip and Cortisone Injection On Sunday 7th, after class, I decided to take a break from Capoeira because my hip would get better and then worse after class. Taking a break from running wasn’t enough, it felt like I had to stop Capoeira too. I focused on … Read more

Left Hip Injury

10 Jan 2016 Left Hip Injury September 2015: after completing Insanity in June, and continuing to do it regularly and also running some of my fastest times, and doing a lot of capoeira, my left hip started to hurt. I had a similar pain on my right hip a few years ago – which forced … Read more

Insanity – Shaun T

11 May 2015 Insanity – Shaun T Last year I did T25 Alpha and Beta – and for Christmas I got T25 Gamma – and basically never really stopped doing it about 3 times a week or so, because I really enjoy it. I left my job, after 15 years, and having a bit of … Read more

Hand injury & chibata

26 September 2014 Hand injury & chibata I have had an injury free summer – my hip hardly hurts when I run these days, my knees are strong, my right shoulder has been fixed since the injection. In fact, since I started T25 I have been feeling noticeably stronger! Even my legs feel sturdier. So … Read more

Physio – arm and buttock pain

02 March 2014 Physio – arm and buttock pain My life seems to be a catalogue of injuries… Yesterday I stubbed my right toe on someone’s leg during capoeira roda. One more reason to wear shoes – but I can’t do the movements with the same precision with shoes on! So I spent the rest … Read more