13 March 2016
Abaré – Mestre Poncianinho
In Mestre Ponciano’s album, Guarani, there’s one particular toque that I have been wanting to play along to for quite a while: Abaré. It’s a word in tupi-guarani (one of the native inhabitants of Brazil) and in this context it means ‘friendly people’.
This version from music class, recorded by Felix, with Catherine (Gunga), Kebrado (Viola), Felix (Pandeiro) – Fast forward to 40s is very nice:
tsh#tsh#dom tsh#tsh# dom dom
tsh#tsh#dom tsh#tsh# dom dim
tsh#tsh#dim tsh#tsh# dim dim
tsh#tsh#dim tsh#tsh# dim dom
1) tsh#tsh#dom tsh#tsh#domtss#dom
tsh#tsh#dom tsh#tsh#domdomdim
tsh#tsh#dim tsh#tsh#dim dim
tsh#tsh#dim tsh#tsh#dimdimdom
Then it’s a case of listening a lot of times and learning and playing the many variations! That’s also where you can get creative and make up your own variations.
Mestre Poncianinho’s Abare track from Guarani album.
09 Dec 2018 – Recording of Music Class with Abare
(the close berimbau is mine as I wanted to hear myself playing – recording myself in music class then listening after has been another good tool for learning berimbau (and other instruments).
Hi. I just stumbled across your blog and its wonderful. Thank you for sharing and keep it up. I have learned so much already. I live on Vancouver Island in Canada and there are not too many live learning resources in our area for capoeira since my mestre moved back to brazil.
Thanks again
Hi! Glad you found it helpful!
Dear Lelé,
Thank you a lot for all the resources you’ve made available on your blog. I’ve been trying to learn Abaré after hearing it on mestre Poncianinho’s CD and have caught the base as you show it, as well as the variation (or how the viola plays it) that mestre shows in the first 10 seconds or so here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BK0OKhaBiyR/?taken-by=poncianinho
What I can’t quite catch is the second part of the instagram video. There’s a lot more variation and I can’t quite hear what comes after what. Could you be able to help me out with that?
Best regards from Bulgaria!
Hey, no, don’t think I can help. There are variations in there I don’t get myself. I suggest keep listening until you get it? Some advanced players in the group have got it but I haven’t yet.
Thank you, it is a really cool information, about how mojubá-capoeira’s bateria play. Abaré is very powerful toque, but i’ve never heard someone play it in roda, only on cd. Which type of game it provoke?