New songs with Mestre José Antônio

29 June 2016

New songs with Mestre José Antônio

Mestre Zé Antônio has been in Europe for the last month or so. He came to Mestre Poncianinho’s event Vivência cultural 2016 and then went off to various events in Europe. This week is his last week and then he’s going back to Brazil.

Tonight’s class felt harder than usual, either because it was very humid, or I’m getting out of shape, old, who knows? Maybe just a bad day. Worry can drain you. Last week the UK decided to vote to leave the EU and we have all been a bit dazed and shocked (and horrified) by it all. Can Capoeira keep me sane through all this? I’d say it can!

We learned two songs tonight and on Friday there will be a recording (professional) of us singing. A new album!!!!

Mestre Zé Antônio’s Songs:
Fruta madura que cai deixa engaço. Olha a pisada do rei do cangaço = fallen ripe fruit leaves the stem (behind). Watch the king of the cangaço’s step.
Canarinho cantador quero ouvir o seu cantar = Singing canary I want to hear your singing.
Limoeiro de sinhá tira a galha do caminho = Sinha’s Lemon tree take (or remove) the branch out of the way

I’m hoping we will also be signing the beautiful ‘Meu Cajueiro’ by Mestre Poncianinho too…
Meu cajueiro êh, Meu cajueiro ah
Tem fruta madura
E história pra contar

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