Mojubá’s official toques

05 April 2016

Mojubá’s official berimbau toques

Mestre Poncianinho's official toques.'myToque'=Abaré
Mestre Poncianinho’s official toques. ‘myToque’=Abaré

Angola, São Bento Pequeno, São Bento Grande, Jogo de Dentro, Iúna, Cavalaria, Apanha a laranja, Abaré.

For our own roda, 2nd arrangement:
Gunga: São Bento Pequeno 2 (aka Angolinha, Angola Dobrada) tsh#tsh# domtss# domtss# dim
Médio, opposite of gunga: tsh#tsh# dim dim dom (São Bento grande 2)
Viola: Jogo de Dentro tsh#tsh# dim dom dim

The traditional orchestra arrangement for roda:
Gunga: Angola tsh#tsh# dom dim
Médio: São Bento Pequeno tsh#tsh# dim dom
Viola: São Bento Grande tsh#tsh# dim dom dom

Some of the things we practised in the last week or so:

Carolina Soares’ version with lyrics

This beautiful song is actually written by Mestre Bigodinho:

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