Mojubá Lesson – 13 April 2015 – Mestre Waldemar

Mojubá Lesson – 13 April 2015 – Mestre Waldemar

sequence to practice
player 1: rabo de arraia, au over tesoura, land into negativa -> tesoura
player 2: esquiva -> tesoura, face opponent landing from au, go under the tesoura

Music lesson
We are learning Mestre Waldemar da Paixão. Mestre Waldemar’s songs originate from literatura de cordel(English version).

CD Estive na Liberdade e Falei com Mestre Waldemar (YouTube)”>Audio interview with Mestre Waldemar

Next Music Lesson about Mestre Waldemar…

Mestre Poncianinho showed us how to put the instruments away in the locker, the right way. Hopefully I’ll be able to help out putting the instruments away rather than just carrying them over. Things like this makes you feel more and more part of the group. It’ll be a year since I joined in about 4 weeks! It’s been an amazing year.  Mestre also explained a specific meaning of the word capoeira – i.e. a clearing, in this context, it’s a farming term (1. Mata que se corta ou derruba para lenha ou outros fins.) and the meaning of the Zebra’s imagery in Capoeira.

What does the zebra mean to capoeira? Ngolo or Engolo is a south Angolan fight thought to be capoeira’s ancestor. A rite of passage from the Mucupes. It’s also known as the zebra dance as it’s believed to derive from zebras fighting.

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