Mojubá class – 09 September 2015

Mojubá class – 09 September 2015

Tonight’s class had SO MUCH CONTENT and it was very challenging.

Mestre Joel got mentioned, and I don’t have any of his music (apart from songs in Mestre Acordeon’s album, and I wondered who they were from).

On Mestre Acordeon’s album:

Can’t find his album on for sale on the internet… or YouTube… There’s very little info on Mestre Joel on the internet.

Mestre Joel e Mestre Camisa

The man himself, singing

Also, – Mestre Camisa (José Tadeu Carneiro Cardoso – 1956, Jacobina, Bahia) student with Senzala, founder of Abadá-Capoeira. His older brother: Grão Mestre Camisa Roxa (Edvaldo Carneiro da Silva- 1944 – 2013, Bahia).

Got three new albums from Dundak (NOTE: this site is no longer operational)
1) Mestre Caiçara – Academia de Capoeira de Angola São Jorge o Irmãos Unidos do Mestre Caiçara
2) Mestre Azulão Mestre Cabello e Mestra Tisza – Viola Angoleira
3) A Poesia De Boca Rica (I had this one for ages, from YouTube, I had looked for it on Amazon and iTunes before but could never find it. It was on dundak though, so I can finally show my appreciation for this album by buying it!)

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