Berimbau notation on Berimbau…

10 Feb 2015 – Berimbau notation on Berimbau…

On Sunday, after Capoeira class, we were talking about Capoeira notation, and I asked Paula to write Iúna down for me, using Ponciano’s symbols – as I didn’t know how to represent the bit in bold in his notation:

dom tsh#tsh# dom#tss# dom#tss# x2

So we moved on to talking about decorating the berimbau, and Paula said she had this idea of writing the toques using Mestre’s notation on the berimbau, then someone suggested tatooing the different toques.

Anyway, the idea came back to me when I was practicing yesterday evening and I just started writing various toques on the berimbau…

I wrote some more today, then made this video (Audio is recording of Mestre Poncianinho & Mojubá students during music class)

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