26 October 2014
Toque de Angolinha and Mestre Waldemar
Another Sunday and another new toque to practice. This one is called Angolinha. Or Waldemar (da Paixão). So I learned a new toque and also about Mestre Waldemar. I heard about him before, in songs mostly. His presence as a Capoeira Mestre started in the 40s in Salvador, Bahia. He’s one of the most influential mestres, particularly when it comes to music. He was based in the Liberdade area of Salvador.
Here’s an article (in Portuguese) from the 1950s, about Waldemar’s capoeira and music, written by a pianist, who also happened to be a member of the Communist party: Katunda (Eunice Catunda). In the 50s Waldemar attracted the attention of some people in the academic community, and also artists and journalists, and his music was recorded. It would seem that ‘ladainhas’ originated in Waldermar’s group, in Liberdade. No wonder he’s such an important influence!!! It all makes sense now… Interview with Mestre Waldemar, in English.
Audio interview with Mestre Waldemar (YouTube)
Here’s a bit of a 1955 recording of Mestre Waldemar and his group
And this, with Mestre Canjiquinha
I can’t find any examples on YouTube of this toque, but the basic is very simple:
domtss# domtss# domtss# dom dom -> domtss# baqueta hits the arame(wire) with cabaça away, then move berimbau towards the belly so the stone touches the arame almost as a consequence of the movement.