Mojubá lesson – 19 November 2014

Mojubá lesson – 19 November 2014

Been off work for a couple of days with a cold and decided the only way I was going to get better was to try and sweat it out, so I went to class. I was really struggling at first but I think Mestre was taking it easy on us as it didn’t seem so hard after a while.

I even went to music class afterwards, I usually only go on Sundays, to try my new berimbau. Also I had not played this Sunday as it was the workshop and I really miss it. I love the music class.

I recorded this one so I can practice along at home, I might do this more often, other students do it too.

After a few months training with Mestre Poncianinho I’m starting to think he might actually be one of the great mestres of his generation – time will tell, but he certainly seems to have all the magic ingredients: talent, dedication, love for capoeira and his students, work ethic, kindness, patience and charisma.

Anyway, enough of the gushing, and here’s tonight’s class

Also, a friend filmed one of my games, the one in which I hit someone in the face (ooooops, I apologised profusely a million times, especially when I got drunk at the party!). I really need to work on my game – I know so many moves which I never use…

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