10 November 2018
Contra Mestre Marcelo Finco (Associação de Capoeira Angola N’golo ia Muanda) is a great cantador, student of Mestre Ananias and currently living in Greece.
CM Marcelo Finco singing
15 December 2019
Marcelo Finco sang this song at a recent event, not sure if he wrote it or who it’s by, but it’s a great song…
(7:03 – Hear on YouTube)
Jatobá bóia na lagoa
É madeira de lei
Pau pra fazer canoa
Audio file: (Singing by Mathew and Mojubees, 15 Dec 2019)
Jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril) is a type of hard wood, which floats in water, so it was used for making boats, amongst other things. During colonial times a law was passed stating that this wood belonged to the Portuguese crown, hence the ‘madeira de lei’ line. This denominations lives to this day and refers to expensive, high quality wood.