Birthdays/T-shirt/Business cards

12 May 2017

Birthdays/T-shirt/Business cards

Denise suggested I should get a business card when I gave her the address of this blog scribbled on a piece of paper. And I thought, why not? So I ‘designed’ (i.e. picked a photo) and ordered from moo print, here it is!

Blog ‘business’ card 🙂

Tonight’s roda celebrated D’s and Catarina’s birthdays. Because D had to leave early her roda came first and I filmed it. Unfortunately I was low on battery and didn’t get to film Catarina’s games. She played for a loooong time!!!!

Mestre Poncianinho gave Catarina this shirt and she asked me translate it. I had to take a photo and print it out because reading it while she was wearing it proved to be impossible!

From the outer circle:
Somos os reis e as rainhas do chão O vento mais forte sopra em nois a alegria
A paixão de descobrir a certeza que nois valemos a pena de saber
Os sons que vem para encantar o que conhecemos do passado
A presença de ser e por inteiro ser o suor derramado

Somos os reis e as rainhas do chão
We are the kings and queens of the floor
O vento mais forte sopra em nois a alegria
The strongest wind blows happiness onto us
A paixão de descobrir a certeza que nois valemos a pena de saber
(this one seems circular, can’t see a logical starting point)
The passion of discovering the certainty that we are worth the knowing/knowledge? (ok, need to think more about this one to translate it)

Os sons que vem para encantar o que conhecemos do passado
The sounds that come to enchant what we learn of/from the past
A presença de ser e por inteiro ser o suor derramado
The presence of being and to be whole the poured sweat

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