New Gunga

24 September 2013

New Gunga

A belated birthday present, from my wonderful, delightful friends (thank you xx) !!!  Now I have the full set of cabaças…  This one came from Germany, and I heard it had a perilous journey, hence the delay.  My viola and other berimbau also come from there.  I didn’t get a chance to bring any from Brazil, would you believe it!?

These are someone else’s…
Gunga, médio, viola

And these are MINE!!! all MINE!  In size order, the largest is gunga, or ‘berra boi’ (scream bull, literally), then médio or viola.  Then the smallest, with highest sound is violinha or viola.



23 Sep 2013 Acupuncture I’ve had four injuries this year. First one was on my right latissimus dorsis (near ribcage) when doing queda de rins – that took 8 weeks to heal, just with me massaging it. While in Brazil I got a cramp on my left calf, which took a few days to go … Read more

Mestre Cobra Mansa Workshop – 03/05/2013

Mestre Cobra Mansa Workshop – 03/05/2013 My first time @ Mojubá. Mestre Cobra Mansa & Mestre Poncianinho 03/04/2013 After watching Aruanda, a dvd by CDO London group (Mestre Poncianinho) – I followed him on Facebook, and came across Mestre Cobra Mansa’s Kilombo Tenonde Permangola. “Directed by “Mestre Cobra Mansa” this center combines the art of … Read more

Guardian article – from 2007

27 Dec 2012 Guardian article – from 2007 All You Need to Know about capoeira – 2007 Although Sylvia & Marcos opened the first Capoeira school in London, there were other capoeiristas around at the time, including Contra Mestre Robinson, Mestre Peixinho and Mestre Ousado, amongst others. These are the ones I know of back … Read more

Mestre Guimba’s London Farewell

12 Dec 2012

Mestre Guimba’s London Farewell

Mestre Guimba left for Rio yesterday at 4am. His parting gift was a roda full of energy and emotion. Here is some of it…

I made this one:

Mestre Guimba’s farewell Roda by Clovis Lowe

Mestre Guimba and Maria Bonita by Clovis Lowe

Full version of first video (this one is private) by Risadinha