How to paint a berimbau

06 May 2015 How to paint a berimbau There comes a time in every capoeirista’s life when they get to build a berimbau. That time is yet to come for me – but the time to learn how to paint one has arrived… A couple of weeks ago Mestre mentioned that if anyone wanted to … Read more

Berimbau Toques – Practice Video & MP3

30 Apr 2015 – Berimbau Toques – Practice Video & MP3 Last week I was playing with Adobe Premiere, so I could make some Berimbau ringtones using the berimbau. I used my phone to record it. Then I thought wouldn’t it be useful if I could record all the berimbau toques I practice regularly to … Read more

Mojubá Lesson – 13 April 2015 – Mestre Waldemar

Mojubá Lesson – 13 April 2015 – Mestre Waldemar sequence to practice player 1: rabo de arraia, au over tesoura, land into negativa -> tesoura player 2: esquiva -> tesoura, face opponent landing from au, go under the tesoura Music lesson We are learning Mestre Waldemar da Paixão. Mestre Waldemar’s songs originate from literatura de … Read more

Mojubá Music Lesson (Atabaque) – 09 April 2015

Mojubá Music Lesson (Atabaque) – 09 April 2015 Mestre Poncianinho showing some atabaque rhythms, and toque barravento on the berimbaus at the end. toque de barravento: dom#tsh#dom#tsh# dom#domdomdom (add extra dom for repique) Atabaque – 1st one: tum x5 ta x5 (I think…) I found this (in Portuguese) Que e Barravento – What is Barravento … Read more