How to paint a berimbau

06 May 2015 How to paint a berimbau There comes a time in every capoeirista’s life when they get to build a berimbau. That time is yet to come for me – but the time to learn how to paint one has arrived… A couple of weeks ago Mestre mentioned that if anyone wanted to … Read more

Orquestra de Berimbaus do Morro do Querosene

Orquestra de Berimbaus do Morro do Querosene I was searching for the different types of berimbau arrangements in the roda as a result of yesterday’s music class – The first one being gunga: angola, medio: são bento pequeno, viola: são bento grande + improv. when I found this website: Translation of first 5 paragraphs: … Read more

Video Summary: A Liberdade Do Corpo – Roberto Freire

Video Summary: A Liberdade Do Corpo – Roberto Freire Mestre José Antonio posted this great video with Roberto Freire (SOMA’s creator, writer, psychiatrist, politician). It explains how Capoeira can be a weapon in the fight against authoritarianism and what he calls ‘modern white slavery’ (i.e. almost everyone living under the Capitalist system is enslaved) and … Read more