A negregada instituição

First published on 13 Oct 2015 A negregada instituição The word ‘negragada’ confused me – translated directly to English on google translate, it translates as ‘neglected’, however when I look for a Portuguese definition it returns ‘hateful, hard work (as in, causes exhaustion), repulsive, negligible’. To be honest, I’m not sure what it means in … Read more

New songs! Trip to Barracão da Capoeira, Brazil!

29 Aug 2015 New songs! Trip to Barracão da Capoeira, Brazil! Got back from Brazil, and more specifically, Guaratinguetá, a few days ago. I spent eight nights there, at Barracão da Capoeira’s first ever VIVÊNCIA CULTURAL BAOBÁ: Barracão da Capoeira ramificando cultura. It was my first time there and what stayed with me the most, … Read more

Galope – Gonzaguinha

We have been learning this song. There are many versions of Galope out there, in Capoeira the words have been changed to fit its context, here are two examples: Gonzaguinha’s Version – 1973 – I won’t translate because this one is worth learning Portuguese just to understand it in its natural environment/context! (Also I’m pushed … Read more