Twelve Covid-19 Capoeira Sequences

Twelve Covid-19 Capoeira Sequences 22 August 2020 I’ve been filming myself doing some of the sequences from Mestre Poncianinho’s online class during lockdown so that I can study and practice them regularly, and have a few sequences in my body that I can easily access at the right time during the roda. I picked twelve … Read more


London 26 March 2020 London has been on lock down since Monday 23rd of March 2020 due to the coronavirus, a particularly virulent strain, named COVID-19. As I type this schools are closed, supermarket shelves are empty, people are working from home, not working at all or are otherwise overworking to serve the lives and … Read more

Music Class with Mestre Môa do Katendê

14 October 2017 – Music Class with Mestre Môa do Katendê Mestres João Grande and Môa do Katendê together in London · Hosted by Mestre Joãozinho Da Figueira Facebook Event Page Photos/Videos of the visit to Mojubá and of the event on Flickr Videos on YouTube Mestre Môa do Katendê Music Class – AUDIO Songs … Read more

Capoeira Reading List

First published Dec 2014 Last Updated 11 Dec 2023 Capoeira Reading List Below is a list of Capoeira books & papers I have read. There are 100s of books about Capoeira out there. Here’s a comprehensive list by Dr. Sara Delamont (Cardiff University). * Capoeira Angola – Mestre Pastinha (PDF) * A Herança de Mestre … Read more