London School Of Capoeira Batizado – 2014

17 May 2014 – London School Of Capoeira Batizado – 2014 When I arrived in London at the tender age of 18 years and 3 months, back in November 1989, The London School of Capoeira had already been here for a year… It was the first school of capoeira in this great city I call … Read more

Capoeira documentary with Mestre Acordeon

08 March 2014 – Capoeira documentary with Mestre Acordeon Not the bestest video quality, but must see documentary about a martial arts practicioner learning about Capoeira in Salvador with Mestre Acordeon. Also appearing Mestre Jogo De Dentro and Mestre João Pequeno de Pastinha, Mestre Boa Gente and Mestre Olavo. Notes: * Mestre Acordeon is a … Read more

Toque de samba de roda – Berimbau

03 March 2014 – Toque de samba de roda – Berimbau After training I practiced the berimbau, then a song with toque de samba started to play and I thought it was about time I learned to play this toque.  I did some ‘research’ and at first I thought it went like this: tsh#tsh# dom … Read more

Berimbau Practice

20 Feb 2014 – Berimbau Practice I need to start practicing playing the berimbau and singing more. Right now I can just about sing and play Angola at the same time. When I try to sing and play São Bento Pequeno I get muddled up. I can play and sing to São Bento Grande most … Read more

Capoeira Tunes App

I have decided to get me a capoeira songs app, and this one stood out from the search returned for ‘Capoeira Songs’, I shall test drive it for the next few weeks or so…  Here’s what I’ve seen so far from Capoeira Tunes App for Android. ( It already comes with a long list of capoeira … Read more