Mojubá Lesson – 13 April 2015 – Mestre Waldemar

Mojubá Lesson – 13 April 2015 – Mestre Waldemar sequence to practice player 1: rabo de arraia, au over tesoura, land into negativa -> tesoura player 2: esquiva -> tesoura, face opponent landing from au, go under the tesoura Music lesson We are learning Mestre Waldemar da Paixão. Mestre Waldemar’s songs originate from literatura de … Read more

Mestre Acordeon B2B talk at SOAS

Mestre Acordeon B2B talk at SOAS – 09 April 2015 I started following (domain is parked) Mestre Acordeon’s Berkeley to Bahia journey with great interest back when it first started on Facebook, in 2013 – it combined two – well three – of my favourite activities. No, wait! When I start breaking it up … Read more

Mojubá Music Lesson (Atabaque) – 09 April 2015

Mojubá Music Lesson (Atabaque) – 09 April 2015 Mestre Poncianinho showing some atabaque rhythms, and toque barravento on the berimbaus at the end. toque de barravento: dom#tsh#dom#tsh# dom#domdomdom (add extra dom for repique) Atabaque – 1st one: tum x5 ta x5 (I think…) I found this (in Portuguese) Que e Barravento – What is Barravento … Read more


29 March 2015 – Louvação/Chula Louvação (meaning praise)/Chula follows the ladainha. The leader will sing and the chorus responds. Starts with “iê” and ends with “camará.” This can be as long or as short as the leader wants and precedes the start of the first game. What is sung depends, but usually praises a region, … Read more