Three new albums by Carlo Alexandre

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[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=506158689 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=999009573]

I got message from Carlo Alexandre (Kabula) on my Facebook Messenger this morning, here’s an extract:

” […]
I am very happy to say that I have 3 newly released albums on Bandcamp, two in February 2020 and another one on this month.

Have a listen:

Tekó Porã
(Brazilian Experimental)
Guarnicê – Capoeira Protest (traditional capoeira music)
OnçaTigre, Serpente e Marimbondo (Collection)


I listened to a few of random tracks, liked what I heard, and decided to get the whole catalogue. I know times are hard, AND because times are hard. I haven’t been spending any money on anything else – and this is the kind of thing I like to spend money on!

Then I started to really listen to it and I think it’s quite amazing work – especially when I heard it through headphones. Really good sound quality, and really interesting and varied tracks. From traditional capoeira songs to all sorts of experimental combinations with berimbau, pandeiro, guitar, vocals, electronic music…

Here are all the albums available for purchase/download Lyrics are available on a clickable link next to each track (hover over to right of the track to see link).

Please listen and support the artist, if you can!

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