Bá – Léo Leobons

23 May 2014 – Bá – Léo Leobons

While watching this capoeira video from Novo Movimento my ears were pleasantly invaded and truly wormed by the song below…  Thanks to modern tech, the link to the album was right there, and at a mere £3.99 on Google Play music I just went and got the whole album, which I’m listening to now…

And I will be listening to it again, and again and again, I can tell!  There’s a lot of berimbau in there, not as the main instrument, I can also hear a keyboard, flute, electronic blips, djembes, guitars (electronic!), piano…  Really enjoying it.


If you like it, please support the artist(s) and buy songs/album!  Everyone needs to earn a living.
Léo Leobons Facebook page.

oh, and a treat, Brazilian National Anthem: played good!

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