Mestre Traira’s album – Capoeira da Bahia

12 July 2017 (last updated 03 March 2023) Mestre Traira’s album – Capoeira da Bahia Found this amazing document (Aug 2019 – seems the document is no longer there…) with photos and a lot of info on this album in Portuguese, French and English. saciperereuk · Mestre Traira -1963 – Capoeira da Bahia [Tracks … Read more

O Pintinho

09 June 2017 This song has absolutely nothing to do with Capoeira – but it has a Forró connection and a lot of people who do Capoeira seem to get into Forró too. I have become obsessed with it since yesterday, while waiting for the UK election results… I occasionally look for nursery songs to … Read more

Mestre Roxinho visits Mojubá

14 April 2017 – Good Friday Mestre Roxinho visits Mojubá London streets were deserted on my drive to the Dance Attic. I love it when London is like that. Mestre Poncianinho had been telling everyone that Mestre Roxinho was coming to visit and he said a lot of people were saying they were going to … Read more

Aquarela – Toquinho

13 Jan 2017 Toquinho – Aquarela (Watercolour) – 1983 Along with Romaria (Elis Regina version) and Canção da América (Milton Nascimento) this is another song from my childhood that makes me feel very emotional and melancholic whenever I hear it. I can’t even try to sing along to Canção da América because I always burst … Read more

Berimbau makes a guest appearance

17 Oct 2016 A Sepultura song came up randomly on my music player giving me a light bulb moment and the inspiration for this list. If you can think of any add to the comments list or ping me! Note that this isn’t in any way a scientific or extensive list, however, I did find … Read more