Mojubá Presents: ’40 Years of Practice and Passion’

15 November 2014 – Mojubá Presents: ’40 Years of Practice and Passion’ Mestre Zé Antonio, Ana Beatriz (Lãlã), Caiçara and Hawaii came from Brazil to England for the occasion. Salamandra and his students travelled from Latvia. On Friday we saw Nick’s batizado and certificates were handed out by Mestre Poncianinho – as well as the … Read more

Mestre Nô – Norival Moreira de Oliveira

12 November 2014 – Mestre Nô – Norival Moreira de Oliveira In tonight’s class the salient point for me was when Mestre Poncianinho talked about the ‘tesoura’ – and how Mestre Nô was a master of the tesoura – and this video was mentioned, and there it is, at 50seconds, a very fast moving one, … Read more

Capoeira Communication

09 November 2014 – Capoeira Communication What really stuck with me in this lesson: Mestre Poncianinho was very keen to emphasize the importance of communication in Capoeira. If you don’t communicate and just worry about doing the things you can do physically, then it’s not really true Capoeira. Capoeira is a dialogue. I knew that, … Read more

Toque de Angolinha and Mestre Waldemar

26 October 2014 Toque de Angolinha and Mestre Waldemar Another Sunday and another new toque to practice. This one is called Angolinha. Or Waldemar (da Paixão). So I learned a new toque and also about Mestre Waldemar. I heard about him before, in songs mostly. His presence as a Capoeira Mestre started in the 40s … Read more